Build error: fontVariationSettings not found when building Cordova application

This is caused by the latest version of android support library that introduces some breaking changes to cordova plugins that specifies dependency to this library as getting the latest version.

To resolve, easiest is to install cordova-android-support-gradle-release and build, somehow it resolves the problem.

alternatively, go to under platform/android and change the version from + to something older.

rror: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir ‘**/node_modules/node-sass/vendor’ npm install

Try to delete node_modules folder, close all editors that are opening the project(Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Atom, etc).

Then run npm install again

This issue is because those lock the package.json files.

NHibernate: Unable to resolve property: _Property

This issue occurred when

  • There are two entities, same class, same table, different entity names.
  • Both entities have one-to-many relationship to a child table
  • Both one-to-many relationships specify the foreign key column as not-null=”true”
  • Try to call Session.Merge on one entity, with additional new child entities inside.

After trying random configurations, somehow removing not-null=”true” from one entity hbm mapping solves this issue.

No idea why, the only way is, perhaps, to debug NHibernate code.

Update in Jan 2021: Seems that setting inverse = “true” to one of the entities will solve the problem

For inverse = “true” in NHibernate, refer to this link:

It’s also possible to fix this issue by setting up both one-to-many and many-to-one relationships between 2 entities.

NHibernate, Unable to resolve property _Namespace

This bug was reported and fixed before in earlier versions of NH( ), but for some reason it resurfaced and hasn’t been fixed since (

This happens when

  • There is a one-to-many relationship between Parent and Child with cascading.
  • A child has a many-to-one reference to parent in .hbm.xml mapping file.
  • A transient entity of Parent has new transient entities of Child
  • Performing Session.Merge(parent)

The error thrown is in the format: Unable to resolve property: _Namespace. Where namespace is the first part of your namespace in the project.

Somehow removing the many-to-one configuration from the Child entity hbm.xml file will stop NHibernate from throwing this error.

Hopefully it will be fixed in the future versions of NH.