Try sencha app refresh, if still doesn’t work, try sencha app build development.
Month: September 2016
Error processing references Ext JS 6.2
Make sure that in views, for spacer, use at least a space and not an empty string. It’s an Ext Js 6.2 bug.
Dealing with memory leaks in Sencha Ext JS
This article is useful:
Display a tablix after clicking on chart/tablix item
Refer to the article at
Slow Gradle build time in Android Studio when using libGDX
Follow the SO answer:
In Android Studio go to File -> Settings -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Gradle
Check the ‘Offline work’ under ‘Global Gradle settings’
However, if it Gradle needs to get libraries from the Internet, turn off ‘Offline work’ and run it for first time, then turn the option on to speed up build process.
Tips and reminders
Avoid using notepad to edit configuration or copy/paste things, use notepad++ where possible.
It seems that notepad sometimes can make changes to your data and make them not working.
Creating additional series from same table column for Line graphs in SSRS
I spent quite a lot of time experimenting to be able to do this.
Say you have a table like so
KPI Value Date
Temp 34 …
Press 12 …
And you would like to have 2 lines in the line graph, one for temperature, one for pressure, the series for pressure may use the secondary y axis. The series for pressure may use a totally different chart type(column).
To do this, don’t add KPI as a series group, add Date as a category group and add Value twice as values.
for the first Value, use IIf(Fields!KPI.Value = “Temp”, sum(Fields!Value.Value, Nothing).
for the second Value, use IIf(Fields!KPI.Value = “Temp”, sum(Fields!Value.Value, Nothing).
Configure the second value to use secondary y axis and you’re done.
Web service failed to read query string parameter correctly
For certain characters when putting in query string parameters they need to be URL encoded or they will cause problem to the web service.
I faced this problem with the # character, encoding it and use %23 instead solved the problem.
Firefox requests for XML format when performing a GET to Web API
Today while testing the Ext JS application I was writing on various browsers, something strange happened. The app works on IE and Chrome, while on Firefox it breaks.
It turns out if not configured correctly WebAPI will return data depending on the Accept HTTP header sent by browsers, and different browsers sent different HTTP Accept header.
More details in the SO answer:
Firefox prefers XML, so Web API try to serialize data in XML format to return to Firefox.
IE and Chrome doesn’t prefer one over other, so Web API chooses Json.
I solved this issue in Firefox by configuring the web api to always return JSON by adding the following line to WebApiConfig.cs
config.Formatters.JsonFormatter.SupportedMediaTypes.Add(new MediaTypeHeaderValue(“text/html”));
Using Ext JS proxy ajax writer
The default behaviour of Ext JS proxy ajax writer seems to be to always use POST. Whenever trying to create/update/delete a record, a JSON object will be sent to the server in the request payload through POST.
It might be possible to configure the proxy and writer to use other HTTP methods like PUT and DELETE, but I haven’t seen any documentation on this yet.
The Id field is always included. So there are 3 cases
- When the request is to create/update the record, the fields with data will be included. Example: {“Id”:1, “Name”:”Tom”}. Using the Id the server can determine whether it’s a update or create request if a record with same Id already exists.
- When deleting a record, only the Id is included in the JSON object. Example: {“Id”: 1}. The server can determine that it’s a delete request by checking the number of properties the JSON object has.
If the server is written in ASP.NET Web API, it’s important to read the request body and process it manually instead of using a parameter in the method and let the framework do the deserialization automatically, because then it will not be possible to count the number of properties the object original has, the deserialized object has all properties with default values for missing ones.