By default, Javascript sorts an array in a lexicographical way.
To sort numeric array, provide a comparison function. Use the code below:
myArray.sort(function(a,b) { return a – b; } );
Bruce Ng's software development blog
An archive of solutions of programming problems I have faced in my career
To sort numeric array, provide a comparison function. Use the code below:
myArray.sort(function(a,b) { return a – b; } );
Sometimes you need to change the design of the table(remove primary key, disable read-only, etc), to make it work.
select db, choose Tasks->export data, choose excel.
to restore, choose Tasks -> import data,
select the file and make sure the mappings are correct.
chrome.exe –explicitly-allowed-ports=81,84,87
Then write a console app that writes an entry using that source name, run the app as an administrator.
After that, you can use EventLog.WriteEntry(SOURCE_NAME, errorMessage,..) to write log messages.