In build.gradle under platforms/android
Under allprojects => repositories, add google() before jcenter()
Bruce Ng's software development blog
An archive of solutions of programming problems I have faced in my career
In build.gradle under platforms/android
Under allprojects => repositories, add google() before jcenter()
For some reason the file is randomly emptied. Use the following command to mitigate the problem.
ionic integrations enable cordova –add
Run Cordova clean (Android)
Then cordova build (Android)
Somehow uninstall the cordova plugin cordova-plugin-ionic-webview changes this.
The application will then fall back to the old webview and so when trying to do a cors call, it won’t try to send a preflight request OPTIONS.
This is caused by the latest version of android support library that introduces some breaking changes to cordova plugins that specifies dependency to this library as getting the latest version.
To resolve, easiest is to install cordova-android-support-gradle-release and build, somehow it resolves the problem.
alternatively, go to under platform/android and change the version from + to something older.