Check in Event Viewer to see if there are any errors logged, then try to diagnose this issue.
Month: August 2018
NHibernate.MappingException: No persister for XYZ
-The mapping file has extension .hbm.xml
-The mapping file is set to be Embedded resource
-The assembly is referenced in the NHibernate configuration file.
100vh and Android Chrome
While working to my our product work with mobile devices, I encountered this issue with Chrome for Android.
It seems that setting an element height to 100vh will include the height of the Chrome Address bar and tabs. This is designed so that when user scrolls down the address bar and tabs will go away to show the web page using the whole screen(except the notification shade, of course).
Where as in Chrome for desktop, 100vh only includes the height of the viewing area below the address bar.
Because of this feature, website that looks correctly in desktop may not work correctly in mobile, need to keep this in mind. Use Android Chrome remote debugging feature to debug the website in Chrome for Android.